
Shadow blade reload review
Shadow blade reload review

shadow blade reload review

Stages in both the campaign and challenge modes are pretty much a race from start to finish (even though it only matters for your score whether if you finish the stage quickly). You’ll be playing through short levels, where you’ll have to navigate quickly and test your reflexes, as speed is a key factor that is rewarded by points at the end of each level. Shadow Blade: Reload is an action-platformer where traps and obstacles often pose a bigger threat than the enemies that roam the premises. Sound effects are generic but a game such as this one doesn’t really need anything that special to sound authentic and good. That being said, the soundtrack does the trick, especially when it comes to combining rather modern music with more traditional oriental tunes, making sure the action on screen gets represented as well as the entire ‘ninja’ theme. The music of the game is quite decent but limited, as many tracks are constantly being repeated. While the environments are rather generic for each of the areas you’ll find yourself in, things have an appealing look. Everything has a futuristic vibe that goes well with the otherwise ‘old school’ looking ninja warrior you’re playing with.

shadow blade reload review

Even though there aren’t that many character models, you’ll be treated to enemies that perfectly suit their environments, all accompanied by an arsenal of different traps. Seeing you’ll have a rather zoomed out view of the game, things look rather small and thus some details may get lost in translation, but overall things look rather crisp and clear. Graphically there are two sides to Shadow Blade: Reload, as on the one hand there are the beautifully illustrated comic book panels that depict the story of the game and on the other hand you’ll find the 2.5D animated gameplay sequences, which are also nicely done, especially in their own way. While dialogues and the plot prove to be very simple, this game thrives on atmosphere, mostly created by said presentation. The story is brought by comic book panels at frequent intervals, presenting you with a fun way to process things.

shadow blade reload review

Even though you’re following the orders of your master, the medallion has a dark secret and it’s clear that things are not what they seem and that your master did not tell you everything. Several months later you’ll pursue villains in order to know where your master is, as the time has come to set things in motion. Other than the vague partings words: ‘’you’ll know when the time comes’’, you’ll be left to the whimsical moods of fate itself. While you are successful in coming to his aid quickly, he tells you to flee and gives you a mysterious medallion you must guard with your life. When all of a sudden your peaceful life gets disturbed when the other two factions decide to turn on you, you will have to use your deadly skills to find your master and save him from harm’s way.

shadow blade reload review

You are Kuro, a ninja under the tutelage of master Shiro, who belongs to one of the three major shinobi clans that each controls their respective areas. We dived into the shadows and prepared ourselves to stain our blades with blood. Comic book like visuals and slicing and dicing your way to the end of different levels sounded quite nice, and for the most part it certainly is. That being said, with the recent release on Mac’s App Store it was a good time to finally dig into this game and share our opinion. Shadow Blade: Reload has been released several months ago on Steam, but at that time we sadly missed the release of this flashy ninja game.

Shadow blade reload review